
Here are credits for resources that I've used while putting this site together, as well as general crafting resources I find really useful.


 The header, divider, and tiny Xs were made in Photopea in August of 2022.
 The portrait image was made with @pepperjackets' picrew in July of 2022.
 The layout was made using CSS Portal's CSS Layout Generator.
 The jackalope skull image is from PoseMuse on Pixabay.
 The coffee cup on my Ko-fi icon is from Bonnibel's Graphic Collection.

Crafting Resources

Here are some commonly used resources/tutorials that I use in my crafting.

 How to Frame a Cross Stitch by lkoerper on Instructables: A helpful and simple tutorial for framing cross stitch projects in photo frames using inexpensive materials.
 How to Frame Cross Stitch and Hand Embroidery in an Embroidery Hoop by Susan Fitzgerald on A straight-forward tutorial for framing cross stitch or embroidery projects in hoops.