About Me

A cartoon bust of a caucasian man in a grey shirt, red flannel overshirt, and glasses, with shoulder length brown hair, giving a thumbs up. Name: Jamie (but I also go by Bear online).
Pronouns:They/them or he/him.
Interests: Needlework (embroidery and cross stitch), writing fiction, miniaiture painting, tabletop roleplaying games, making/crafting*, war games**, horror movies***, dogs, cooking, and learning about the paranormal****.
Profession: House husband.

* My spouse says that I have an insatiable need to make and I think that they're right!
** I'm a big fan of Warhammer 40k (Tau Empire & Farsight Enclaves), Necromunda (House Escher), and Blood and Plunder (Pirates). I'm starting to get into Napoleonics too!
*** Creature feature are generally my favorite. I started getting into the Hammer Horror movies during the COVID-19 pandemic while I was quarantining in my apartment.
**** I'm a skeptic, but I find the paranomal and the occult really fascinating!

Fun Fact: My favorite cryptid is the jackalope! I also really like the German version: the wolpertinger.
