
Hi there! Welcome to my personal homepage that doubles as my personal crafting and art portfolio. I have writing, mini painting, needlework, and misc. crafts (that are usually sewing).

A small divider made of Xs, imitating cross stitch stitches.


06/10/24: Returning to update website. Changed layout. Added The Mycelium Incident to Writing. 11/17/23: Redid the layout, added alt text, and added more projects.
03/04/23: Added a few more needlework projects.
11/27/22: Added a few more cross stitch projects and a big modular terrain project.
09/28/22: Added a few more cross stitch project pages and some mini painting. The craft page is slowly coming together!
08/30/22: Redid the layout to something a little more well constructed and vibrant!
08/27/22: Finally getting some of my needlework projects added to the site.
07/17/22: Started working on the first draft of this site. It's rough, but it's something!