
Hi there. Welcome to my personal homepage. You can find a gallery of photos and details about my needlework projects under "Needlework". You can find a gallery of photos of my miniature painting projects under "Mini Painting". All other crafts are shown on the "Misc. Crafts" page. You can find my writing projects under "Writing". Resources that I've used on this website and general resources that I like to use for crafting can be found under "Resources". If you want to learn more about me, you can click on "About". "Home" will take you back to this page.


03/04/23: Added a few more needlework projects.
11/27/22: Added a few more cross stitch projects and a big modular terrain project.
09/28/22: Added a few more cross stitch project pages and some mini painting. The craft page is slowly coming together!
08/30/22: Redid the layout to something a little more well constructed and vibrant!
08/27/22: Finally getting some of my needlework projects added to the site.
07/17/22: Started working on the first draft of this site. It's rough, but it's something!